Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Baby Steps

Tuesday night Sam honored us with his first real steps...about 6 or 7 all in a row! What stings is that we had the video camera out to tape him doing something else and were getting it ready when it happened! We missed it by seconds :( He knows when we've got any type of camera out so we don't have any pictures/video yet, I'll post them when we do.

Since then he's kept trying a few steps here and there. So is walking around the corner? I feel like we've been saying that for months.

Other funny/new things he does these days:
  • Raking his tongue across surfaces: mainly the couch, oven and refridgerator.
  • Rubbing his books back and forth across the wall.
  • Sliding backwards on his tummy.
  • Getting down from the bed or couch feet first...his head appreciates that one.
  • Laying down on his tummy in the bathtub and drinking the water.
  • Coming crawl-running when we start reading one of his favorite books, "Buenas Noches, Gorila" (he'll turn the pages of his books himself too.)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why "Four Frogs"?

It started when we were first married and Caspian decided to catch and eat flies like a frog would. He became the first frog...then I became a frog and though he resisted David became one too. So now in our house instead of 'dear', 'sweetheart' or 'honey'...we're frogs. Naturally when Samuel joined us last March he became a frog as well.

I can't decide....

So our current medium for imparting news, Sam's babysite, expires in March. Sure we could just stay there and use their basic free site...but so many people, including me, use Google Reader, etc. and managing a blog just seems so much easier. So, I'm going to give it a shot and run both in February.

I like the idea of being able just to type what comes to me without it seeming out of place. With the babysite if it doesn't have to do with Sam it doesn't make it on there (not that much in our lives doesn't involve him at this point.)
