Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I'm not a baby anymore!

My poor Sam, he's been dealing with pink eye and hasn't had a single nap this week. I was fixing lunch and he was looking at his high chair (which is now Rainey's, like so many of his things) and fingering one of the straps the boy starts BAWLING. I went over and he just clung to me crying and when he could finally speak I asked him what was wrong and he said, " I'm not a baby anymore!" :(
Sweet boy (who crashed about an hour ago and is snoring contentedly).

Saturday, June 2, 2012

2012 AIA Sandcastle Competition

After wondering what to do today we settled on heading to the beach for the sandcastle competition they have every year. It had been a few years since we'd been, and I'll use just about any excuse to go to the beach. :)

Traffic was bad thanks to shuttlepalooza or whatever they're calling the festivities surrounding the receipt of NASA's very own (wooden replica, boo!) space shuttle. Sooo we took 288 and Hwy 6 instead and that gave us the opportunity to see places we'd have missed otherwise like Manvel (which has a VERY nice high school that doesn't match it's surroundings AT ALL), Santa Fe (home to the famous supreme court case) and Hitchcock (which is doomed to be less interesting when not preceded by 'Alfred').

It took 2 hours to get down there and parked but make it we did and had a lovely time! Sam didn't want to leave. Rainey is going to be such the water baby and had so much fun playing in the sand and water. She would squeal with delight when a wave would come up and wash over her legs and then shriek when it went out again. It never once bothered her if her face got splashed (a MAJOR difference from her brother). I'm not sure how much sand she ate but I know I didn't manage to keep all of it out of her mouth. Sam did better this time too and in addition to building sandcastles he actually wanted to go out in the water with David! He got doused by a wave but was more excited than anything which is a big change. Port A this year is going to keep us on our toes for sure!

Sam and I walked along and looked at the sandcastle competition for "inspiration" while David stayed with Rainey. As usual some were good, some were funny, some made you question the reason for their existence. "The Big Bad Sandy Wolf" was our favorite and it won 2nd place. There were a few Hunger Games and Avengers entries, and a "March Madness of the Penguins" which was pretty funny. Several were riffs on the looming end of the world as predicted by those concerned about the end of the Mayan calendar.

When we got back we had snack time while David checked out the competition and then Rainey and I hung out in the water while Sam and David worked on their sandcastle du jour. They got quite a few props from people walking by.

According to Sam this is a skyscraper and village. The skyscraper has a hospital in it for the villagers. There are even 2 tunnels running underneath it for cars and trucks (according to David) or water (according to Sam) to pass through.

Rainey didn't manage to stay awake and frolic in the ocean the whole time we were there. Eventually she got so tired she took a nap on the blanket under the umbrella. It's tough being a baby!