Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mr. Brown

Sam is starting to really get into making more of the noises for Dr. Seuss' "Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?" This is really more for Daddy than anyone, but if anybody else wants to watch Sam be a ham for 8 minutes here ya' go:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh Sam

I had a hard time putting Sam to bed tonight...he was VERY keyed up. Obviously tired, but very worked up. Anyway, he kept getting down from the bed where I was attempting to read him a story and going and bringing back various toys I had brought for him. (We're at my Uncle's house in Katy so that they can watch him during my exam tomorrow.) Mostly he was just getting more of his books and trains, but when he tried to bring the tracks too, I had to draw the line. Then he slapped me so I tucked him under one arm, carried him off kicking and crying, and thunked him down in the pack n' play without toys or books, prayers or songs and left. He cried for awhile, maybe 5-10 min. and then all was quiet.

I gave it a little while longer and then went to check on him...he had escaped the pack 'n play and was up on the big guest bed stretched out sideways fast asleep. I think he's officially outgrown it :S

I wish I had the camera with'd be a cute picture. This is the best I could do with my cell phone, I had to turn a lamp on and I'd already moved him into a little nest...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's only been how long?

It feels like I'm living in slow-motion these days. With David gone I look at the date each day and the date on his return ticket and the math just kills me. The 24th is a loooong way away. The worst part: The Amazing Race premiers on Sunday. Valentine's Day. And we/he'll miss it. (We've watched it together pretty much as long as we've been together.) Sigh. At least David is having a fairly good time over there (on weekends or after work of course). He loves traveling and so there are plenty of funny things to keep him entertained. For example, a few nights ago was "Mexican Buffet" night at his hotel. For them it meant doritos for taco chips and egg rolls for flautas, etc. The waitstaff also had to dress in garish sombreros and panchos (not sure how 'real' those were but if the egg rolls are any indication...) I'll have to get him to post some of his vignettes when he gets back.

Actually the real worst part is that both Samuel and I managed to get the flu even though we were pretty much cloistered for the last 8 days. We went to Liberty Hill so that I could try and get more schoolwork done and he could play outside and get good quality time with his grandparents. Sam was a little extra fussy Monday but I just passed it off since sometimes he just has a bad day. He didn't have any fever and he was eating and playing normally. Literally in just a few hours (he was fine when he went to bed and couldn't breathe at 3 am) he went from being a little fussy to so sick I was shocked. Fortunately he was able get some Tamiflu the same day it appeared and it has worked wonders. I've heard stories but I have to admit that I'm shocked at how quickly it worked. On Tuesday he was lethargic, fevered, icky was coming out of everywhere and today he was a bit out of it, still coughing and congested a bit, but no fever...all things considered it was like night and day.

I'm learning a lot about how much little ones know about what's happening around them. He asked for Dada constantly the first few days, now it's generally only at bedtime or dinner. But if the phone rings? Oh my. No matter who it is, even if I put them on speaker for him to hear it isn't Dada, he thinks it's Dada. Sometimes he'll put his hand to his ear (his version of showing me he wants the phone) and say Dada over and over. It just breaks my heart. We have a little calendar going with a smiley-face on the 24th and he gets to put a star on every day that passes before he goes to bed. I thought maybe if he could see the end it might help...

Sam is also sleeping more and more with Mommy. I suppose that's his way of making sure both of us don't disappear on him. Tonight he couldn't sleep unless he was in our bed, tucked against my chest holding my hand. [I couldn't let him 'cry it out' because with the flu in his chest he can't breathe and sicks up when he cries.] I'm sure a lot of it is because he's sick, but both of us sure do miss you Daddy.

I'm amazed constantly at how much Sam's really growing up. One thing I think is precious is how much he likes to pray before his nap/bedtime. I'll ask him if he wants to pray and he lays down and puts his hands together until I say amen. I can't wait until he's talking and can say his own prayers. His temper is starting to show more and more when he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it, and his needs are getting less basic so there is a lot more frustration that I can't always figure out what he wants when all he says is "Da". I can usually get to the bottom of it by playing 20 questions but his fuse doesn't last long enough most of the time. Words where are you?!?

I have many pictures to post I know, but with Blogger it takes so flingin-flangin long to upload pictures and with school going I just don't have the time. I got a few good ones while we were in Austin that I'll try to get up soon. I have two tests and a paper due in the next week though so I'm not responsible for the consequences if anyone decides to hold their breath. ;)

Monday, February 1, 2010

The First Night

Daddy left for KAUST in Saudi Arabia today. We already miss him.

Here's what we did tonight least until he spit up...even then I had to make him stop. Boys.

A self portrait:

Climbing onto the couch and then squeezing through the hole onto the floor. Caspian was unimpressed: