This Week with Samuel Stegosaurus...
At just over 37" he might be as tall as George Stephanopoulos! :) He's had a few growth spurts over the summer and I'm hoping he'll hold off getting too big for his summer clothes until just after summer ends.
It's been one of those weeks where all of a sudden you start to see a hundred changes all at once. Maybe it was more pronounced because this has been a sort of transition week for us. I started school again Monday (after a summer break of one whole week) and since I finally ran out of classes I could take at night and online I have to be at school Monday through Wednesday by 4. We lucked out and a MOPS friend had a nanny that we were able to use. We LOVE Ms. Amy! Sam does too, thank goodness, and that's made it a lot easier for me since my head isn't in two places at once like I had expected it would be.
Another change is that his verbal skills have suddenly astronomically improved. We're getting whole sentences and so many new words I've lost track. If he's not caught up to other boys his age he's got to be close. The one thing we can't get him to say though is his name. We're not expecting "DeGroot" to come out anytime soon but he says lots of things harder than "Sam". When pressed he either flat out refuses or says his name is "Train." Nice. After I got a birthday box from my Mom last week he started calling her "Mama-Mama" when I told him the stuffed Loch Ness monster that Mama's Mama had sent was for him. It seems to have stuck as her nickname supplanting Gigi. We'll see if it sticks or not, but we think it's adorable.
His cognitive abilities never cease to amaze us...he doesn't seem to forget much of anything. His comprehension is also very good. The other day in response to an either-or type question he said "both" and meant it. I had no idea he had stuff like that knocking around in his little head!
Sam has also really started to develop his personality. He's VERY funny and loves making us laugh. He's a ham for everyone really. He's started having pretend conversations with his trains on a little plastic fake phone. (So cute!) He's a little OCD when it comes to his trains or cars; he remembers exactly where he put them on the track and if they move even a hair he flips out and moves it right back, but his sharing overall has improved by leaps and bounds. He also loves to help us whether it's cooking or cleaning.
His new favorite game to play is hide and seek, known to Sam as "One, Two." He prefers to be the one hiding, but we're having to work on learning to change hiding spots. Right now he hides under his bed, the table, etc., and when I find him he just says "More one two!" and curls up in the same spot again. Silly boy. I've started counting in the spot he hid in and assigning a new room to him to go hide in, hopefully that lesson will stick without me having to say anything. He knows how to count objects up to about three, though we were reading a "Five little monkey's" book the other day and he said, "One, Two, Twee, Oy, PIE!!!"
This boy LOVES desserts, hence pie instead of five I suppose, but lucky for me he also loves chips and salsa. We're working on getting him to eat veggies, he'll eat fruit with total abandon, and is really starting to enjoy meat more.
We've got lots of pictures and video to post of our summer, but since it's super late I'm going to stop here and likely come back and revise things tomorrow. Nighty night!