Sam has all but ditched his quiet ways. We are now treated to all sorts of funny phrases, questions and imaginary conversations between his trains. I usually post the short ones on Facebook since its faster but I wanted to put some here as well.
A few weeks ago we were driving home from the zoo, there was a Quincenera celebrant and her party taking pictures at Mecom Fountain. The chamberlan's were dressed in faux military suits (black) with her escort wearing all white. Sam saw him and said, "Look Prince Charming!"
Yesterday we were getting ready to "take a little rest"; we had finished reading stories and pretending we were the "Big Snappy" from Sleeping Beauty when he decided he needed to sing (yell) a song he had made up for me. The tune was similar to 'Jingle Bells', and all of the words were "Ka". "KA KA KAA KA KA KA KA KA KA KA KAAAAAAAAAAA". He also likes to play his drum while we sing "Train" or "Thomas" to the same melody. Thanks Elmo.
A few days ago he was playing with his trains and Percy, James and Thomas were having a novella complete with funny voices, problems and (naturally) Thomas saving the day. I've got to sneak video of that!
From Facebook:
As Sam is skipping his nap for the third day in a row he's sitting on his crib saying "Mommy I love you!" over and over...
February 15
Earlier tonight David asked, "Sam? Who are your cousins?" Sam's response, "Cats."
February 12
While watching Sesame Street cheerleaders: me "Sam did you know Tori is a cheerleader?" "yes I know that." "she cheers for her school." "No mama, she cheers for six!" (they're celebrating #6 day on sesame street)...
February 3
Last night Sam took forever to go to sleep. After still being awake at 11 I asked what was wrong and got, "mama turn all lights off so I can go sleep in mama's bed" translation: mom go to bed so I can sneak in bed with y'all.
January 22
Sam quote of the day: "Mama I'm very very old like Bubbie."
January 19
Power surge and heard a transformer blow. Somebody is having a cold night, thank goodness it isn't me! Sam thinks "we need to take the transformer to Bubbie so he can see what lights are broken." Then, "we'll see what happens."
December 27, 2010
Tonight Sam said his first bedtime prayer "all by self", during the Christmas show at church he kept saying "I love Jesus!" and Friday at a Christmas party we pulled up and he said "mama at Jesus house?" Mmmm, that does a mama's heart good!
December 19, 2010
Today is Sam's first graduation...from ECI! No more speech therapy, he is at 39, 42 & 52 months in different areas of development - all of which are beyond his 33 and waaay beyond the 31 he needed to stay in the program. Way to go Sam!!! ;)
December 9, 2010
Sam is singing "happy a to you!" to me over and over at the top of his lungs. Silly boy.
December 2, 2010
[Now it's "Happy Day", also, thanks to Little Bear we have "Happy Soup" and "Happy Cake"]
Is it bad that I'm happy because I managed to get Sam dressed? That's been quite the challenge lately. On a funnier note, his new favorite phrase is "oh my peas!"
November 30, 2010
So the boy who would be speech impaired came home from church this morning and told me all about it: Me: Did you have fun? Sam: "Yes Mama do, ride blue car, ride bus, go church." "Did you play outside?" "No too cold, stay inside, not be cold."---I'm thinking we're about over the hump ;)
November 14, 2010