A fleet of emergency vehicles responding to an accident or major natural disaster.
A siren wailing made by Sam. Constantly.
Heard: A lot of laughter as these two play with each other. But I'm not gonna lie, we've also heard lots of crying from Sam when she messes up his "hospitals" "roads" "skyscrapers", etc. And then there's also been crying from Rainey when brother forgets just how big he is or he takes a toy away. And she shrieks, loudly, if anything displeases her. Though she's getting a little better about it.
Chickie Rainey (who will get her own post later.)
Sam using "Chickie Rainey needs some milk" or something similar whenever he doesn't want to do something. (That doesn't mean he thinks I nurse Rainey just to get out of stuff...does it?)
My handsome man with a cast on his arm after breaking 2 bones in 3 places in what I'm sure was a blaze of glory in the first 45 seconds of a basketball game.
Grunts of pain from the aforementioned man when he overdoes it or Sam knocks his arm. You might also hear a wee bit of grumbling from me about having to be a Jane of all trades while he's sidelined. Part of me likes that he needs me, part of me is kinda over it. The latter part shows up chiefly on days when I have to mow the lawn.
Hunter and Rosh, our two Chinese "sons" that stayed with us for nearly 3 weeks.
Some pretty funny conversations, a lot of repeating, a lot of iTranslate, sam asking them to play hospital, laughter playing games...etc, etc, etc. (they're probably gonna get their own post too.)
One sick chickie.
A LOT of sniffles, coughing, crying (from Rainey), and sneezing. With the exception of David (who only has a broken arm), we all have been sick. Sam had a cold at the beginning of July and is still coughing. I got a cold, then conjunctivitis and then another cold which turned into the fever/sinus infection that wouldn't die when my autoimmune foolishness flared in the middle of it. 3 antibiotics (and a month) later I still have pressure but do feel better. Rainey got the same cold I did and similarly couldn't shake it. Ears were/are infected, snot is everywhere, her voice is hoarse, she's sleeping even worse than usual, and then to add insult to injury, she either had a stomach virus or heat exhaustion this week and threw up. A lot. For 2 days. Poor baby!
Food. For about 5 minutes and then it vanished. Two teenage boys in your house I have decided requires a small herd of cattle and 300 acre farm to feed. Fortunately we have amazing friends who helped us with meals. It blessed more than just my tummy! :)
Hunter "Ohmygod!"
Rosh: "Oooh."
David: "Uh...guys...?" (He was Communications director while Hunter & Rosh were here.)
Rainey: "Mam Mam" "Da Da" "Bruh Bruh" and we think she's using them for the appropriate people too!!!
Sam: "Why?" "Well, first of all..." "Why?" "Will this help me get me extra super big rocket?!?"
Me: "Sam, not so loud please." "Rainey...no ma'am" "Daaave?"