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Monday, February 2, 2009

The Weekend in Pictures

Our bathroom light isn't working, so we've been taking showers, etc. in the near dark! Sam thinks the candles are fascinating. (Don't worry, this candle is only where he can reach it for the picture. I moved it right after...) The electrician is supposed to come today, thank goodness. I burned a hole in one of the shelves last night. Oops!

This is the best I have been able to do for walking shots. Crawling/cruising is still his main mode of transportation.

We LOVE to go to the zoo. If it's a nice day...we're there. Saturday was Sam's first time to ride the carousel. He liked it, except for when Daddy moved him to an animal that actually moved up and down!

Every time we're there Mommy has to see her Babirusas, Hadiah and Remley. Hadiah is the baby and pretty soon they'll send her to another zoo. So sad. If you've seen my pictures on Facebook I've explained my obsession with them so I'll skip it here.

Sam has started to learn that he gets a hearty "Good Job!" when he puts his blocks back in the box. Now EVERYTHING goes in the box...even Sam!

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