Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Goofy Toofy

The past few weeks have been pretty eventful. There was a DeGroot reunion at Keels & Wheels on Uncle Bob's yacht (David's Father's Brother), the Art Car Parade, Mothers Day, a visit to Nonnie and Bubbie in Liberty Hill, my last MOPS meeting for the year, baby showers, Memorial Day at the Goods' and...I STARTED SCHOOL AGAIN!

I'm trying to decide the best way to paraphrase what's been going on around here and right now all I can think of is that Sam has cut 8 teeth. 4 are molars so it seemed more like 20 teeth, I'm sure he would agree. In addition to gaining mastication implements he's also started to pick up some sign language. Right now he'll do 'more', 'milk' (but only when he nurses) and what I think is a slang sign for why/where. I do a lot more than that with him, but I suppose he feels like he's got what he needs most down.

Other things he's started to do:
- Climb up onto the dining room chairs and his leap frog table. He'll also use these as a stepstool to get onto other the dining room table.

- Try to climb out of his crib. He's got the mechanics down, he just needs a little more height and that'll do it.
- Play ball. He rolls balls back and forth with someone else now rather than just chucking it and then chasing it.
- Dancing to the music. Any music. He'll either sway from side to side or turn around in circles.

Sam goes for his next well-check next week so we'll get an official height/weight to post. He's been sick and didn't really eat for nearly 4 days over the weekend so I took him to the Dr. and he'd lost almost 1 pound. Poor dude-man! He seems hungry enough now so hopefully he'll rebound a little before his appointment.

Paddle boats at Hermann Park

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