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Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day, Early and Late

David went to Jordan/Israel for about 10 days this month, I've been suffering from school-brain and so for some reason I thought Father's Day fell on the 13th, while he was gone. Sam and I even packed our cards in his suitcase. Oops. But I'm happy we ended up having Daddy home for the occasion.

I meant to post these pictures on Father's Day, for Father's Day, but naturally it's only just now getting done.

It's hard to think that it's already the second Father's Day we've celebrated, Sam has grown SO much. Here are the boys dozing together 2 years ago:
And here they are now:
David, you really are an amazing Dad. You always have energy to "Co-Co Duck" with Sam, even when I know you're tired. You clean the kitchen, take out the trash, walk Caspian, play trains, build with Lego's, change diapers and SO much more without my even asking (or often saying please or thank you :S). You go to work for us, play with us, take care of us, serve us, support us, are patient with us (err, me...) and love us so unconditionally. I can't imagine a better father for Sam (or a better husband!) WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

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