Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 2, 2011

20 Weeks Today!

Wow, the halfway point sure came quickly! Or slowly, depending on how I look at it. No doubt by October I'll be wondering where all the time has gone. We had the anatomy scan this morning to 'mark' the occasion. I always love getting the ultrasounds, it's so nice to put an image with the knocking around in your tummy. Baby looked perfect (yay!) and so did the placenta (double yay since there was some trouble early on and a concern it might be too low, etc.).

No, I'm not going to spill the gender, David wants it to be a surprise. So everyone just gets to wait with bated breath until October (or however long I manage to keep my trap shut.)

Right now we're just enjoying being a family of three. Sometimes Sam will say or do something that makes my heart ache a little, but at the same time I'm excited to see our family grow and I know Sam will be a fantastic big brother. One thing is for sure, his sibling(s) won't get away with anything! He's very quick to point out when other kids or people are making "bad 'cision's". He also loves to put his hand on my tummy to feel the baby sweet.

This was particularly fun to was playing with his/her toes!

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping you spill the beans early so I know if I should buy pink or blue!!!
