Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 3, 2009


The past several days has been all about doctors and resting and the pharmacy and praying for this to be over!

Last Wednesday (the 25th) after he saw the pediatrician, Sam's congestion woke me up in the middle of the night. He proceeded to have a cold through the weekend and is still a little drippy. This Wednesday he decided not to sleep most of the night because he had a high fever and was digging at his ears. The kid seems fairly ear infection prone so I just assumed it was another and so off to Dr. Cook we went, again. But no! His ears look great, his throat not so much. Some virus just let itself in and we're waiting for it to say goodbye. Today he seems better, finally, so hopefully it's nearly through.

I on the other hand, started running a fever last Friday and just assumed I was getting Sam's cold. The fever never abated but I never got drippy so I was kind of at a loss for ideas. I had to miss nursery duty Sunday morning, and David and I were both really looking forward to getting to play with Sam instead of hearing the sermon. Instead Daddy got Sam time and Mommy found an alcove to watch the sermon in alone, I really felt terrible. That night the fever spiked above 104 and things started clicking in my brain. "Feels like the flu, my right breast is huge for some reason, uh oh..." I have mastitis. Boo! Ladies, let me just tell you, not fun. But the worst is past thanks to some antibiotics. I had been trying to wean Sam but had to stop since I got the infection. Sam actually seems happy that I had to up the nursing for awhile. For a boy that wouldn't nurse until he was 2 months old it's amazing that it's lasted this long. I really will miss it when it's gone. But, as my OB said Wednesday, "If you want to keep breastfeeding, have another baby." Ha! I'll have my sweet memories to tide me over until God says it's time.
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