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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pray for Rhyder!!!

One of the things that I love so much about MOPS is the incredible women that I have met. Michelle Anderson impressed me the very first meeting I attended with her openness and faith. In the Spring they found out they were expecting baby #3 unexpectedly...they also discovered that their 3rd little boy has Trisomy-18. His name is Rhyder and through the pregnancy God has continually revealed himself.

Rhyder was born this morning and against many of the doctors predictions, made it through delivery and even "ate" a little! Despite the fact he is doing better than expected he is in the NICU and they all certainly have a long road ahead of them. In the womb ultrasounds showed two heart defects (among other things) and now it is fighting hard.

Please pray for this sweet family as Michelle recovers from a surgical delivery and Rhyder fights for his life. Also Dad, Dave, and their other young boys, Caeden and Dash.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for God's faithfullness and love to be revealed! Please keep us updated Trisha!
